Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Another Year Over

On this last day of 2013, I sit cozily in front of my parent's fireplace in DC. I was going to respond to a pregnant friend's email asking about essential baby supplies, but I've always thought it would be fun to compile a list of my favorites (and least favorites) because it would be fun to look back on or have others add to. The first category was originally labeled "essentials," but I already had things running through my mind that one (or three) could absolutely live without, so I renamed it:


  • NoseFrida snot sucker. Paired with a bottle of saline drops, this clears out stuffy newborn noses
  • For girls clothes, anything Hannah Anderson. Yes, it's expensive, but super cute and high quality.
  • Smartwool infant socks: they stay on, they're cute, and they're pricey enough to make you keep track of them
  • City Mini by Baby Jogger: folds super-easily and is high quality. We don't have one, but my parents do and it's nice to use when we visit
  • Robeez (soft-soled leather slipper shoes): they help socks stay on and are just plain cute. Not sure yet how I feel about Target brand…
  • For walkers: Target brand Crocs: easy on and off, but stay on well too
  • Baby Bjorn potty and this book (which recommends starting at 7-8 months!)
  • Britax Marathon convertible carseat (not needed until ~10-12 months)
  • Bottle drying garden (I never had, but my sister feels it's a must. Probably good for wine glasses too)

Not so much:

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

Aside from a couple runny noses, we're thankful for health on this white Christmas day! May you feel loved and warm today, and may we see you sooner, rather than later.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Sweet Cora Bean

Here are a few sweet moments from our "quiet" time while Louisa finished up a long nap today. I'm so happy to report that these days, the good moments with these two ladies far outweigh the hard ones. And although life has been busy these past few weeks, things are winding down as our advent calendar empties of it's treats and prayer prompts. I'm hoping next week stays quiet, with lots of room for sewing, wrapping gifts and long walks (or runs)!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Year (almost) Gone By

Wowza. What happened to fall? Tomorrow is December 1st. With good memories from a laid-back, yet packed-full Advent season last year, we look forward to this year's time of waiting. Today I went for a walk with the girls while Nate made jars and jars of applesauce with the apples from our trees. While we were walking, I asked Louisa whose birthday we celebrate on Christmas. She answered, "Ahhhhhh," waiting for me to give her a hint. I gave away the answer right away and she immediately said, "oh! we eat cake with Jesus on his birthday?!" Maybe Loubear. Maybe. We'll probably have pie though.

The past two weeks were lovely. Marcia was visiting for a week, followed by a week-long visit by my parents. The three grandparents overlapped for a little over 24 hours to participate in Cora's baptism. During the entire two weeks, Cora was on cloud-nine, always looking happy and entertained and Louisa basked in the attention from her favorite Oma, Papa and Belle.

Thanksgiving went off without a hitch. My mom and Nate's cooperation in the kitchen was brilliantly choreographed - Nate dirtying every pot, pan and utensil we own as my mom danced behind cleaning up. Occasionally, I came in and put clean dishes away and made apple pie and mashed potatoes. We were sad that my brother Matthew wasn't able to come up from San Diego, but glad to share our meal with Nate's coworker and our friends, Pam and Brian.

On Friday morning after my parents left for the airport, we realized we had the whole day open, so we took off for Monterey to visit the aquarium and the coastline. Louisa is at a perfect age to enjoy an aquarium. We wondered how she would spend her time if given the freedom to wonder without prompts (i.e. okay, let's go see the octopus). A nice scenario was playing through my mind until Nate mentioned the gift shops. So lock the gift shop doors and put a FitBit on that girl! We drove south on highway 1 and watched the sunset on a small, warm beach. What beauty! Here are some of my favorite pictures. Take note of Cora's eye color. I think it's official!

See Where Our Pictures Were Taken