Our garden is not aesthetically awesome, but boy do we have some food growing. Louisa likes to pick things and declare that they are
all done growing before she eats them. I wonder if she first learned that sentence a few months ago after I, very frustrated, pulled her away from the immature blueberries, telling her they were not done growing. I usually regret my moments of frustration with her a few moments after I act frustrated. On the bad days, I don't regret those moments until after Nate is home and the girls are both asleep. Kids are so innocent and sweet once they're asleep, you know?
But back to the growing grub. The blueberries are done growing. So are lots of the cucumbers. We've picked some eggplant, summer squash, jalapeƱos, bell peppers, heirloom tomatoes, granny smith apples and banana peppers already too. We're still waiting to see some baby watermelon or zucchini, but I'm thinking we may not. Meyer lemons in the backyard still have a few months to go and we're contemplating removing the non-producing orange tree in the back to make way for a grassy play space. This is definitely one of the perks of living in California!
The first, of many, cucumber harvest |
To reiterate the size of these beasts (Armenian Grey Ghost cucumbers) |
Sweating the tomatoes to make fried green tomato BLTs |
Then there's Cora and Louisa, who are obviously not done growing. Both are growing up fast though! Louisa is apparently old enough to fly across the country without her parents, because she did it today. No, not by herself, but with her Oma. I drove them to the airport and Lou got a brief nap in on the way, waking up to me asking, "Lou, do you see where we are? It's time to fly with Oma" She opened her eyes and said, "Bye Ries," who was not in the car with us. I guess we can see who she's going to miss the most. It was no big deal saying by to Nate this morning, nor was it difficult for her to say goodbye to me today.
Big girl! (another phrase that's been exclaimed a lot in our house this week, as Lou started serious potty training)
For those of you looking for a potty training book, I'd highly recommend
this one. And don't think that if your child is only 3 months old that you're off the hook. The author recommends starting at 6 months. I know what you're thinking: hippy, crazy, dumb. But really, check out the book. I wish I would have read it when Louisa was a baby.
How does she already have a mop for hair again? |
We forgot how cute it is when they learn "happy baby" pose |
Hi Alicia! Great pictures! I'm Heather and I have a quick question about your blog! Please email me whenever you get a free moment at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail.com :-)