My mom returned to Campbell last week via San Diego where she met my dad and brother, Matthew after their cross-country road trip. Matthew is a helicopter pilot now and will be stationed in San Diego for a couple of years - yay for us! The newest pilot in the family had to move into his new place and start work, but my parents flew up for a visit. A painted fence, secured towel rack and hours of baby soothing later, my dad flew home on Mother's Day afternoon while Belle stayed until Thursday.
I can't even begin to list the wonderful things my mom did because there are so many, but the highlights include helping Lou through some tough constipation issues and managing both the girls so I could get out for an interesting documentary, Girl Rising, my first two runs post-Cora, and a nail appointment. While none of these things seem crucial to our family's inner-workings, I'm learning that occasionally taking time for myself is pretty important. In-fact, that lesson has been ringing through my head since our doula from Louisa's birth responded to my "admission" that got an epidural during Cora's birth.
Here's what she said:
go alicia! good for you for taking care of yourself. first step to being a good mom, right?!:) i'm thrilled the epidural worked well for you. love the name cora. sorry the nurses couldn't be as present for you, but, yes, feel great you got a sweet healthy cora out on your terms. epidurals can be beautiful assisting tools.
It meant so much to me because at the time, I think I was feeling slightly guilty for not being "heroic" this time around. Boo to that sort of thinking. Not helpful. I loved birthing Cora with the help of an epidural, and now, have no regrets. They both turned out okay!
One cute story to close this post. Lou's constipation was intense enough to cause tears, and yesterday, after pooping (in her potty!) we were reading this book - a favorite for sure. On the C page, Louisa pointed at the crybaby and said, "Lou." I said, "yeah, how come you were crying so much today?" She answered, "poop." Nice work Louisa. It's nice to know you're in touch with your feelings and bodily functions!
Trying to solve a "missing comment" problem...