You know how they say you can't spoil a baby? Well, I'm wondering if you can spoil a 19-month old? I guess it doesn't matter, because either way, Lou's living the good life and we wouldn't change it. Marcia (a.k.a Oma) just left today and my mom (Belle Mare), dad (Papa), Sarah, Dan and Oliver all arrive on Monday. Lou loved having Marcia here just as much as I did. I've started doing some very part-time nutrition consulting work during the last month and it was great to be able to work without getting a babysitter. Next week, with my family here, I purposefully have nothing scheduled because Nate has the whole week off and we hope to explore Napa, Half Moon Bay and San Fran with them.
Nate and I also got to go on a date last night while Louisa and her Oma hung out at home. We noticed that we're out of practice though because we expected to be able to eat at a really good restaurant without a reservation and I thought that I'd be able stay awake at a movie that started at 9:40 pm. Ha! Oh well. Regardless of where we ate or the fact that I paid $11.50 for a nap, we both decided that it was nice to spend time together. I was proud of the fact that we hardly talked about Lou or our 20-week old, banana-sized baby.
I didn't take many pictures in the last two weeks, so here are a couple from Louisa's first frisbee lesson two weeks ago in Golden Gate Park.
Hold your hands out like this... |
then I'll throw it... |
and you'll catch it! |
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