Summer ultimate frisbee league came to a close last night. Our team, Bombsnaps, lost 13-7 in the competitive division championship game. Despite the loss, Louisa was our biggest fan, sporting her Bombsnaps jersey. Max wore one too. We knew it would be a tough game against a team that had only lost once the whole season, and we let them get off to a quick start, making it 7-1 at half-time. Too bad. Now it's time for me to focus on my half-marathon in November and Nate to focus on Madison Club - his highly competitive, men's ultimate frisbee team. I'm hoping for another successful year so that we can all go to Florida in October for Nationals!
Our team name comes from a cruel joke Nate played on Anne when he was 12 - putting a bombsnap in her rice |
The template (for a better view of Lou's jersey) |
Too bad you guys lost, but that baby jersey is AWESOME. See you guys soon!