It's fun to realize that I sort of have a professional theme developing - HIV/AIDS nutrition. Denver, Washington D.C., Uganda, and now Madison!
In other news...
We traveled to D.C. to celebrate the 4th of July with most of my immediate family this past weekend. John Paul and Grace drove up from Virginia Beach and Sarah is living with my parents in DC for the summer before she leaves for Iraq next week. Missing was Matthew who was back in WI visiting friends, and Sarah's husband Dan, who was vacationing with his family in Colorado. We played lots of games (ultimate frisbee, volleyball, the key-word song game, Dutch Blitz, and Foodie Fight) and even planned a New Year's vacation when we'll all be together! After a lovely BBQ at the Navy Yard on Saturday night, we walked the 2 miles to the National Mall for some fireworks! Good times for sure.
Thanks for checking in,